It’s pretty easy to tell a single-cylinder deadbolt lock apart from a double cylinder lock.
A single-cylinder deadbolt has a slot for a key only on the side that will be mounted on the outside of the door, while the other side has some type of turning mechanism, usually a thumb-turn. It is set to face inside, to be used to lock or unlock the door without having to use keys.
Advantages of single-cylinder deadbolt lock are low cost, in case of an emergency it’s easy to get outside, and general ease of use.
The main difference between a double-cylinder deadbolt is that it has a slot for a key on the front (outside) and back (inside). which means that a key is needed to turn the lock on both sides.
This offers more security but also has the drawback that in an emergency the key Is needed to unlock the door.
Both types of locks are available for residential and commercial use.
Need help deciding which type of deadbolt lock fits your situation best?
Contact Connecticut licensed locksmith Jim Arsenault via email or give him a call at 860-678-9797.