Category Archives: CT Commercial Locksmith

Duplicate keys for your home and business

duplicate keysKeys protect your valuables, whether it’s your home and all the possessions in it, your car or items in a safe. That’s why it’s important to always have a second key for your front or back door at home and/or your business, your car, and other important keys you might have. Just imagine if one of them got lost. These keys should be hidden in a secure place or given to relatives or trusted friends so that you can get access in case of a misplaced key or in an emergency.

A duplicate key can easily be made when you still have the original key at hand. If you need the second key for a business property you lease or rent talk to the property owner first to make sure that it’s ok to get the duplicate key made. Or perhaps the lock should be changed all together and in that case the property owner might reimburse you the cost for the new lock.

Having a duplicate key of your most important keys made will save you time and money if that day should come when the original key is misplaced or stolen. Of course if you suspect the key was stolen you want to have your locks changed.

>If you have a question about getting duplicate keys or lock replacements in the greater Hartford area and throughout Connecticut please call Jim Arsenault at 860-678-9797 or email him. He would be happy to speak with you. Jim is a Master Locksmith with over 30 years experience and licensed in Connecticut.

Panic bars open the door to safety

If you own a commercial building and operate a business in that location you’re aware of local fire safety regulations and building codes. Whether it’s an office building, a restaurant, or a retail location, they all have to fulfill the requirement of providing an easy way to get out of the building in case of an emergency such as a fire.

According to a report provided by the National Fire Protection Association there were 100,500 nonresidential structure fires in the United States in 2013.

panic barPanic bars, the push bars installed on doors leading outside, allow employees and/or customers get quickly and safely out of the building when disaster strikes. In the workplace OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) requires a continuous and unobstructed path of exit to a place of safety. Crash bars, as panic bars are also known, provide a quick way to escape in an emergency.

Available in a variety styles, most panic bars also come with alarms to prevent people from leaving the building unnoticed. Panic bars can be installed horizontally or vertically on a single or double door. The direction of the bar is not important but it is crucial that the exit device is installed properly and functions the way it is intended to: easy to push down in a crisis situation and to provide access to safety. In addition they also need to adhere to all national safety standards and local building codes and are required on all fire and emergency exits.

If you have a question about panic bars please call Jim Arsenault at 860-678-9797 or email him. He can install or repair panic bars at your business location. Jim is a Master Locksmith with over 30 years experience and licensed in Connecticut.

Announcing affiliation with New Wave Electric

J & B Locksmith is pleased to announce our affiliation with New Wave Electric, LLC ( Lee Iraeta, owner/operator and Master electrician, has worked on a wide range of commercial contracts in Connecticut over the past 12 years and will be handling the electrical wiring for high security access lock installations, A-phone systems, magnetic locks, automatic door openers, etc.

We are happy to have Lee bring his experience to our company and customers.

Have a question about how to implement electronic locks in your CT business or institution? Email Jim Arsenault or call him at 860-678-9797.