Category Archives: CT Residential Locksmith

Make sure you hire a licensed locksmith

For your own piece of mind it’s important to hire a licensed, insured and professional bonded locksmith.

Look for these three things when hiring a locksmith:

  • Licensing: In Connecticut it is required by law for a locksmith to have a valid locksmith license (you can check online to see if a locksmith license has been issued in Connecticut and if it is valid:
    If you don’t see a license number on the locksmith’s website or business card, which by the way is required to be displayed if the state issues licenses, don’t be shy to ask for the license number.
    Unfortunately, states that do not require licensing make it easy for inexperienced and unprofessional individuals to call themselves “locksmiths.” Most of the time these locksmiths do not have the consumer’s best interest at heart, often they’re just scaming unsuspecting people out of money without delivering.
  • Liability Insurance: Insured locksmiths have purchased liability insurance, thereby protecting the client and themselves in case there is any accidental damage to the property.
  • Bonding: Bonded locksmiths undergo a background check to make sure they do not have a criminal history. This assures the consumer that the bonded locksmith is legitimate and that he has the necessary knowledge to make sure the home or business is protected.

Jim Arsenault is a Connecticut licensed Master Locksmith with over 30 years experience. He is licensed, insured, and bonded. Jim repairs and installs locks at your Connecticut home or business and you’ll always be charged a fair price. Email Jim or give him a call at 860-678-9797.

Protect your keys 101

Technology is never at a standstill and along with the good also comes the bad. Of course we all love our smartphones, can’t imagine our life without it anymore, right?

Unfortunately tech-savy burglars have discovered a new way to use our favorite device to break into our houses or cars the easy way. With the help of a smartphone app and an online key printing service it only takes two pictures and the thieves could potentially have a working copy of your house or car keys without you ever knowing anything about it.

But is it really that easy? When could somebody unbeknownst to you snap two pictures of your keys (front and back)? Situations where you could be at risk are when your car is at the repair shop, if you hand your keys over for valet parking or if you give your house keys to a contractor. Basically anytime you hand over your keys to somebody else and let them out of your sight there’s a potential for an indivdual to take the pictures.

How can you protect yourself?

  • Don’t leave your keys lying on your desk in the office, especially if it’s a high-traffic area where the public also has access.
  • If somebody wants to borrow your keys make sure that it’s a person you know and can trust.
  • Don’t post pictures of your keys on social media sites. Some keys have their cut codes stamped onto them, which would make it easy for anyone to get a copy.
  • Up your security. Get high-security locks that are harder to duplicate than the standard keys you get at big box stores such as Home Depot and Lowe’s.
  • If you have to let your keys out of your sight make sure that the individuals you’re dealing with are trustworthy, be it the car mechanic, cleaning service, or the plumber. Get references before you hand over your keys.

If you would like to talk about installing high-security locks email Jim or give him a call at 860-678-9797. He can help you make your Connecticut home more secure. Jim Arsenault is a Connecticut licensed Master Locksmith with over 30 years experience.

Biometric residential locks – forget your keys

“Open Sesame” were the magic words in the fable of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves to gain access to the treasure. Had there been a biometric lock on the cave it would have been very simple, Ali Baba wouldn’t even have to remember the code words to get in. What it means for a residential homeowner is all that’s necessary to get into the house without a key is the owner’s fingerprint. Just imagine, no more looking for your keys, all that’s needed is your fingerprint to unlock the door.

Not only do these high-tech locks provide the convenience of never having to use a key when you have your arms full with grocery bags, they also give you individual security at the highest level. No more worrying about who else might have a key to your house (former cleaning service, baby sitter, contractors, etc.). Biometric locks can be programmed for each individual you would like to have access to your home. Each fingerprint gets stored in the reader and when the person wants to enter it gets recognized as an “authorized” print and the door opens. Ideal for all family members to get into the house. If the fingerprint is not recognized the door stays locked.

Some biometric door lock models also have the capability to record who opened the door and at what time. So you can tell if the plumber actually came at the time he said he did when you were at work. Or if the kids really came home before midnight on Friday night. And once the plumber is done with the bathroom remodeling job his authorization can be deleted.

Biometric locks are also great for rental units. No more changing locks after a tenant moved out, as soon as the access authorization is removed the former tenant can no longer get into the apartment.

Have a question about how to implement biometric locks in your CT home or CT small business? Email Jim Arsenault or call him at 860-678-9797.

Don’t leave your home unprotected

Almost every little town in the US has them – people who don’t lock their doors. They feel that their neighborhood is safe… everybody knows everybody… a burglary hasn’t happened in the area – so why bother with locking the doors. Besides, that way you don’t have to be concerned about forgetting the keys and being locked out of your own house. And, since many cars now also have keyless entry systems, people don’t want to carry keys around anymore.

This misguided sense of security makes the home accessible to anyone who feels like walking in and helping themselves to whatever they feel like, during the day and also at night when everybody is asleep. Which could also pose danger to the family. The six o’clock news is full of reports of home invasions gone totally wrong when the burglar came across the homeowner with a weapon in hand. Or, perhaps the burglar himself carried a firearm and used it during the break in.

The publicity and attention these tragedies create has many “no-lock” homeowners take a second look at their habit of leaving the house unlocked day and night and think about home security in another light. For people not wanting to have a pocket full of jingling keys there are electronic auxiliary deadbolt locks for residential use available. Many of these type locks on the market allow multiple PINs so that everyone in the family (or those who need access the residence) can have their own entry code. Some of these locks can also be configured through smartphone applications, giving the property owner a wide choice of options.

If you would like to talk about installing an electronic residential deadbolt lock email Jim or give him a call at 860-678-9797. He can help you make your Connecticut home more secure. Jim Arsenault is a Connecticut licensed Master Locksmith with over 30 years experience

Giving Thanks

President Lincoln proclaimed the first and official Thanksgiving holiday in 1863 and Thanksgiving became an official national holiday declared on the fourth Thursday of every November.

We are thankful for all our customers and website visitors. Wishing each of you a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Jim & Sharon Arsenault.

thanksgiving 2015 Infographic

Jim is a CT licensed Locksmith with over 30 years experience. He repairs locks, rekeys locks or installs new locks at Connecticut homes and businesses. Send him an email or call him at 860-678-9797.